Author: Josh Wilson

(Barely) Passing Finals in Russia: Olga’s Blog (Part II)

In this entry, Olga completes her account (begun in part one of this blog entry), of passing finals week to complete her first year as an undergraduate at Moscow State University. After having missed several classes due to a serious hospitalization, Olga finds that achieving her goals for good grades is particularly challenging. In the […]

Passing Finals Week in Russia: Olga’s Blog

After an eventful year starting her new major and facing down a serious hospitalization, Olga faces perhaps the still most stressful part of any semester: passing finals week. For most degree courses in Russia, it is not possible to pass the class without passing the final. Because degree programs are so rigidly structured, trying to […]

Sickness in Russia: Olga’s Blog

Although she passed her entrance medical checkups at the start of the semester, Olga still developed a serious illness that affected her ability to attend classes and participate in her internship with SRAS. With a diagnosis of stomach ulcers, Olga was hospitalized for two weeks. In the following text, Olga details her experience of falling […]

State Medical Exams in Russia: Olga’s Blog

Medical commissions and state medical examinations are fairly common in Russia. Students entering university programs have to undergo a battery of tests before entering university. Failing a test can mean that a student might need to undergo treatment before entering his or her university program. Olga Dmitraschenko entered Moscow State University in 2006, after completing […]

University Majors in Russia: Olga’s Blog

Deciding on a university major in Russia tends to be a serious and permanent decision. In part because most faculties in Russia have their own entrance exams, changing a major involves not just “declaring” a new major, like in the US, but often involves essentially a whole new application to the university. Further, degree programs […]

University Entrance Exams in Russia (Paid and Scholarship Positions): Olga’s Blog

Although the introduction of the Unified State Exam (USE) was meant to largely replace university entrance exams, many universities, especially those with prestigious programs, continue to require applicants to take their specific entrance exams. The USE is now simply an additional requirement. Olga Dmitraschenko entered Moscow State University in 2006, after completing her high school […]

University Entrance Exams in Russia (Paid Slots): Olga’s Blog

Moscow State University (MSU) is one of the top-ranked universities in Russia, and admission is highly competitive. To be considered for admission to MSU, students must first pass the Unified State Exam (USE), which is essentially Russia’s SATs, but then also pass MSU’s specific entrance exams, which are subject-specific exams in the field of study […]

High School Graduation in Russia: Olga’s Blog

High school graduation (выпускной) in Russia – and most of the former Soviet states – is a grand affair. In addition to a ceremony in which they are given diplomas, graduates have formal dinners, black-tie balls, and all night parties with concerts and fireworks. Olga Dmitraschenko graduated in Moscow in 2006, after completing her high […]

High School Exit Exams in Russia: Olga’s Blog

The exit exams that Russian students take to exit high school are known as the Unified State Exam (USE), also known as the “EGE” (ЕГЭ – Единый государственный экзамен) in Russian. The USE to replace the previous system of entrance exams for higher education institutions and was intended to work like the SATs in the […]

Eksternat or “Home Schooling” in the Former USSR: Olga’s Blog

Eksternat (rus: Экстернат) is a form of distance learning in the public education system of many post-Soviet countries. It allows students to study at their own pace and to pursue other interests while in secondary school. Olga Dmitraschenko, for instance, opted into the system in order to graduate a year early and pursue an internship […]

Orthodox Easter: Its Language and Symbolism

Orthodox Easter is by far the most important religious holiday in most Slavic lands and is the busiest day at most Russian Orthodox churches across the globe. The holiday is steeped in history and mystic symbolism. The following is a dual-language article meant to teach you about history and culture of Orthodox Easter while allowing […]

Kulich: Mystical Slavic Easter Bread

Kulich (Кулич) is a lightly sweet, yeast-risen bread baked with considerable amounts of egg and butter. It may also contain raisins, almonds, candied or dried fruit, lemon zest, and various spices including cardamom and even saffron depending on the recipe and personal preferences. It is a tall, cylindrical-shaped bread with a rounded top, and it […]

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