Soups & Mains

Soups in most Eurasian cultures are important dietary staples and often begin a meal or can be the main course. Many, particularly in older generations, consider a meal without soup to be incomplete. Other common mains include dumplings or pies, which can take many forms depending on the individual culture. Again, these can often serve various purposes, either acting as the main course, a side course, or even as dessert. The below resources concentrate on these items, but also other types of traditional main courses, presenting them in bilingual recipes and with histories and descriptions of the food’s current place in the modern culture that consumes them.

Filter recipes for: Slavic, Turkic, or Caucasian.
See also: Food Traditions

Many of these foods may have various regional or national names and/or variations. We have tried to reflect that in the articles as well.

Blini, Mlintsi, Palačinke! Making Slavic “Pancakes”

Blini (блины) are a breakfast favorite in many Eurasian countries. The most basic recipe involves just flour, milk, and eggs. The resulting very thin pancake can be enjoyed in a variety of ways from sweet to savory. Although the recipe is quite simple, they are somewhat labor intensive to make and thus are often associated […]

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