Secular Holidays

Secular holidays are very often designed by the state or have been co-opted by the state. These holidays often revolve around the founding of country or the adoption of its national symbols (such as a constitution or flag) or on its military. Others focus on remembering those who fell or suffered in major wars or revolutions. And still others will celebrate causes that the people and state believe have come to represent a major part of what defines that people and state. All of this helps build a sense of civic identity and cohesion within a society. Also included in this category is discussion of birthday traditions in Eurasia, which are a relatively new (within the last 200 years or so) addition to the calendar.

National Unity Day in Russia: Student Observations

National Unity Day is celebrated on November 4th. Russia’s absolute newest holiday, created in 2004, celebrates the liberation of Moscow from Polish troops in 1612 and the subsequent end of the “time of troubles.” This is the first time in nearly 400 years, however, that an official state holiday has marked the occasion, leading many […]

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