
Identity formation also occurs around the places we frequent. Particularly important places can include the homes we live in, the places where we worship and remember, and the places that we consider unique to our culture.

This site focuses mostly on these three types of places. However, the area around us, the atmosphere and architecture we are accustomed to, the geography we are used to seeing in the distance, and much more can also factor into this. These wider categories can be on other members of the SRAS Family of Sites.

Filter the below articles for: Slavic, Turkic, Caucasian, Baltics, or other cultures.

Dacha and Banya: Day Trip from St. Petersburg

Dacha – a summer house with rich cultural and economic history – is an integral part of Russian life. To help students get familiar with its peculiarities, regular visits are organised by SRAS to dachas outside of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Irkutsk. Here, we asked our students from all of those locations to share their […]

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