Author: Josh Wilson

The Talking Serbian Phrasebook

The Talking Phrasebook Series presents useful phrases and words in side-by-side translation and with audio files specifically geared to help students work on listening skills and pronunciation. Below, you will find several useful phrases and words. To the left is the English and to the far right is the Serbian translation in both Latin and […]

The Kyrgyz Food Dictionary

Kyrgyz cuisine reflects the country’s heritage of pastoral nomadism. Life was spent moving livestock from pasture to pasture and living in collapsible, transportable yurts. The livestock themselves were the primary, sustainable food source. Everything else was either gathered from the land or traded for. The Kyrgyz did not engage in intensive settled agriculture until forced […]

Off to Petersburg, Russia’s Cultural Capital: Моя Россия Blog

Below, Tajik blogger Roxana Burkhanova describes, in Russian, the place of St. Petersburg in Russian culture. She discusses the city’s history as well as its literary heritage, its nightlife, and even how people from Petersburg speak their own, slightly different dialect of Russian. The text was originally written in 2015 and thus references times before […]

Dictionary of Polish Food

Polish food is hearty, flavorful, and deeply rooted in tradition. It is also experiencing a revival, re-inventing itself in major Polish cities as the country celebrates its heritage and embraces the latest trends and inspirations from world cuisines. Today, while dishes like pierogi, kielbasa, and bigos (hunter’s stew) are one you must try while visiting […]

Maslenitsa, Masliana, Meteņi: Spring Holidays of the Slavs and Balts

Rites of welcoming spring and saying goodbye to winter are some of the oldest holidays preserved across Slavic cultures. In the Baltics, the celebrations were nearly lost after being suppressed by Catholic and imperial dominance. Today, Russia’s Maslenitsa is by the far the best-known, but multiple versions exist across the diverse Slavic landscape. In the […]

Pierogi, Pīrāgi, Varenyky: A Tour of Pastries and Dumplings

The dumplings and pastries of Europe’s northeastern flank have a story to tell. Their recipes, etymologies, and related traditions are intertwined in a complex historical knot. There are so many ancient connections that it is almost impossible to say which influenced the next. And yet, each dish is held up as a unique and integral […]

Manas and the Manaschi: Foundations of the Kyrgyz Soul

There are few essential things to know about Kyrgyzstan. One of these is the country’s folkloric hero, Manas. You’ll find nearly everything in Krygyzstan is named after him: the main airport, national parks, major streets in nearly every city and town, and even karate clubs and movie theaters, not to mention the statues of him […]

Resources for Students of Russian

This extensive list of web resources to assist students learning the Russian language was developed by SRAS and is now hosted on Folkways, part of the SRAS Family of Sites! Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links. This means that, at zero cost to you, we will earn an affiliate commission if you […]

Uzbek Identity: Understanding the Uzbek National Narrative

What created Uzbek national identity? This is a complex question and one that is personal for each Uzbek. This resource will focus on presenting one element of this identity – the Uzbek national narrative. Who are the national heroes and what are the pivotal events that they learned about in school? What are the major […]

Kyrgyz Identity: Understanding the Kyrgyz National Narrative

What created Kyrgyz national identity? This is a complex question and one that is personal for each Kyrgyz person. This resource will focus on presenting one element of this identity – the Kyrgyz national narrative. Who are the national heroes and what are the pivotal events that they learned about in school? What are the […]

Armenian Holidays 2025: A Complete Guide

Through these holidays, you will find Armenia is filled with a rich history revolving around nationhood, family, and religious tradition. Many holidays are particularly associated with specific monuments emphasizing the importance of place in Armenian culture. Some are ancient holidays steeped in pagan symbolism, officially repressed under the Soviets, but now newly embraced by the […]

Olivier and Rasols Salads: Holiday Traditions With Fascinating Histories

Russia’s Olivier Salad (Салат «Оливье») and Latvia’s rasols are well-known staples of their respective cuisines and common additions to holiday tables. Today, the recipes for both are quite similar, with chopped vegetables, egg, and meat dressed with mayonnaise. Olivier is now eaten throughout the former USSR and has even become common as “Russian Salad” in […]

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