
The desserts of Eurasia are often unabashedly fat-heavy, but derive most of their sweetness and distinctive flavors from the honey and wild berries found in that great landmass. One remarkable exception to this are Caucasian deserts, which are often focused on fruit and nuts with fats being considerably rarer. All cultures in this part of the world will traditionally drink tea with dessert – or sometimes as dessert.

Churchkhela, Sharan, and Pelamushi: Desserts Off The Vine 

Strolling through a marketplace in Georgia, you might be surprised to see the array of multicolored sausage-shaped candies hanging from the stalls. These are churchkhela, a traditional snack made by dipping strings of nuts into thickened fruit juice to create a chewy exterior. In Armenia, you’ll see “sausages” known locally as sharan that are very […]

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