
Shared narratives are a major part of any identity. Early cultures sought to explain the world around them and their own origins through folklore and mythology. Today, narratives remain strong as a way to convey morality and social mores as well as ways to make sense of an often complicated national past in order to form a cohesive national identity. Both religion and the state exert powerful influence over modern narratives through various education efforts. However, civil society also plays a large role in maintaining and developing narratives, especially as the Internet makes it increasingly common to have the voices of individuals and small groups amplified.

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Preservations: Ukraine in the Summer of 1999

In Kiev store signs and street markings are in Ukrainian, and although I could still read all of them, half the time, I could not understand what they meant. The drive from Borispol airport to T. Clara’s apartment deep inside Kiev was speedy, thanks to our driver who traveled well over the km/hr speed limit. […]

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