
Shared narratives are a major part of any identity. Early cultures sought to explain the world around them and their own origins through folklore and mythology. Today, narratives remain strong as a way to convey morality and social mores as well as ways to make sense of an often complicated national past in order to form a cohesive national identity. Both religion and the state exert powerful influence over modern narratives through various education efforts. However, civil society also plays a large role in maintaining and developing narratives, especially as the Internet makes it increasingly common to have the voices of individuals and small groups amplified.

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Russian MiniLessons: Election of the Patriarch 

The following bilingual Russian MiniLesson is meant to build your vocabulary by providing Russian phrases within English text. Hover over the bold Russian to reveal its English translation. In the 20th century,   5 times, and each time the elections procedure was different. However,  of the 16th Patriarch, which are scheduled for the end of January, […]

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