Russian cursive - they actually use this to label things in stores sometimes...

Самый лучший разговорник – The Best Phrasebook Ever

Published: May 6, 2020

The following list of phrases are meant as educational humor. Some are just silly, some are useful, some will be understood by all, and some only by those who have spent time in Russia. Some of these have been around online as jokes for some time – others were added based on common experiences that our students have had. Hopefully all will be amusing – and a reason to learn a bit more Russian.

  1. А вы уверены, что это курсив, а не, допустим, морские волны? – Are you sure this is cursive – and not, let’s say, (a picture of) ocean waves?
  2. Ничего, если я разведу костер здесь? — Is it all right if I make a campfire here?
  3. В вашей стране можно делить на ноль? — May I divide by zero in your country?
  4. В вашей гостинице завтрак входит в обед? — Is breakfast included with lunch in your hotel?
  5. Какой печати здесь может не хватать? У меня уже есть три. – What official  stamp (on this paper) could I be missing? I have three here already.
  6. Мне пора идти, моя лошадь припаркована вторым рядом. – I have to leave now. My horse is double-parked outside.
  7. Почему у моей комнаты сменили номер и там другие люди? — Why has my room number changed and why are there other people in there?
  8. Нет, офицер, о какой маленькой бумажке о регистрации вы говорите? – No, officer, what little registration paper are you talking about?
  9. Ученые в моей стране доказали, что открытое летом окно не приводит к смерти. – Scientists in my country have proven that it will not kill you to open windows in summer.
  10. Кто здесь последний? – Who is last (in this line?)
  11. Как пройти прямо? — How do I go straight ahead?
  12. Когда снова будет горячая вода? – When will we have hot water again?
  13. Здравствуйте, земляне. — Greetings, Earthlings.
  14. Это действительно кто-то проектировал, или оно само так получилось? – Did someone really plan it like this? Or did it just happen?
  15. Где мой зонт? Я тоже хочу быть гидом. — Where is my umbrella? I want to be a guide too.
  16. Оно так и было, когда я приехал! — It was already like this when I came!
  17. Это слишком дорого. Пожалуйста, отговорите меня. – This is too expensive. Talk me out of it, please.
  18. Я не могу есть грибы — я им обещал. — I cannot eat mushrooms — I’ve promised them (I wouldn’t).
  19. Вы уже потратили чаевые, которые я давал вчера? — Have you already spent the tip I gave you yesterday?
  20. Говорите тише, я Вас всё равно не понимаю. — Speak softer, I cannot understand you anyway.
  21. А мне обязательно возвращаться на родину? Можно, я останусь здесь с вами? – Do I have to go home now? Can I live here with you?
  22. Почему все хлопают? – Why is everyone clapping (on this airplane)?

About the author

Josh Wilson

Josh Wilson

Josh lived in Moscow from 2003, when he first arrived to study Russian with SRAS, until 2022. He holds an M.A. in Theatre and a B.A. in History from Idaho State University, where his masters thesis was written on the political economy of Soviet-era censorship organs affecting the stage. At SRAS, Josh assists in program development and leads our Internship Programs. He is also the editor-in-chief for the SRAS newsletter, the SRAS Family of Sites, and Vestnik. He has previously served as Communications Director to Bellerage Alinga and has served as a consultant or translator to several businesses and organizations with interests in Russia.

Program attended: SRAS Staff Member

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