Built Heritage

Many cultures have building types and architecture unique to them. For our region, this spans housing types such as the izba, yurt, dacha, Lemko cottage, and even the more modern khrushchevka. It can also include banyas, kremlins, fortified manor houses, caravanserai, and castles. These are physical representations of a people’s history and culture.

Note that religious buildings have been categorized under “sacred places” on this site, although many of them could also fall under this category.

Banyas in Bishkek – Cultural Experience

Banya (a washing house) has remained a part of the Russian culture since ancient times, carrying all sorts of traditionally obtained meanings including religious, symbolic and medicinal. The banya was officially endorsed by the Soviets as a health facility and its use spread throughout Eurasia. It remains popular for health and recreation throughout the post-Soviet […]

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